Student Handbook
A new school year is always an exciting time. Yelm Middle School is here to provide our students with the opportunity to be their best selves in a supportive environment. This handbook provides an overview of key expectations and information. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. Welcome to YMS!
–Mark Bowden, Principal
P |
R |
I |
D |
E |
Positive AttitudeTo be optimistic and make the best of any situation.
RespectTo treat the school, self and others with dignity and value. |
IntegrityTo be your best and do the right thing, even when no one is watching. |
DeterminatonTo hold a course of action despite obstacles. |
EmpathyTo show acceptance of others by being considerate and sensitive of diverse experiences and values. |
YMS Student Handbook (English | Spanish)
*Handbooks are subject to change throughout the year based on board policy, OSPI Guidelines or State & Federal Laws.
Handbook Sections
- Optimal Learning Environment
- Attendance Information
- Discipline
- Parent Involvement
- School Procedures
- Student Learning
- Student Life
- Student Support & Services
Optimal Learning Environment
Yelm Community Schools embraces the diversity within our schools and seeks to create a nurturing and barrier-free learning environment for each student. To achieve this goal we commit to:
- Preparing our students to thrive in a multicultural and diverse society.
- Ensuring fair, equitable and inclusive principles are integrated into our policies, programs, operations and practices.
- Creating school and classroom cultures that are free of bias-based language or behaviors.
- Eliminating barriers that perpetuate negative outcomes.
- Providing all students the resources, opportunities and supports needed to succeed at high levels.
- Honoring and building upon the strengths and assets of every student.
- Welcoming and engaging families and community members as essential partners.
Attendance Information
Yelm Community Schools places a high priority on school attendance. Studies prove that daily attendance has a direct impact on student achievement. Our goal is to have every student arrive on time and attend a full day of school.
School Hours and Supervision
Yelm Middle School hours are 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The safety of students is of utmost importance to us. Before school supervision is provided from 7:00 a.m. for your convenience. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:00 a.m. We have no regular after school supervision available. To ensure student safety, all students must be picked up by 2:00 p.m. Individual after school activities will be communicated by supervising teacher.
Students are expected to be in class on time. We have a 3-minute passing time. When a student's tardiness becomes frequent (after 3 in a quarter), the student will be placed on a tardy contract and meet with our Restorative Specialist.
End of Day Transportation Changes
Please call the school no later than 30 minutes before the end of the school day to ensure we have time to deliver the message to student; otherwise, there will be no pick-ups or transportation changes.
Definition of “Excused Absences”
Students are expected to attend ALL assigned classes each day unless excused by the parent/guardian for valid reasons below.
- Participation in a school-approved activity: This absence must be authorized by a staff member and prior notification must be provided to parent/guardian for approval. (IE. field trips)
- Illness, health condition, health care appointments, family emergency, or religious/cultural purpose: We encourage parents/guardians to schedule appointments during non-school hours whenever possible. School officials may require a health professional’s written note when a student has more than 3 consecutive absences. Parents/guardians are encouraged to acquire a health professional’s written note whenever possible and submit a copy to the Attendance Office. If a parent/guardian needs to pick up their child for an appointment, they must sign them out at the office.
- Parental/Family Pre-Arranged Absence: Parents/Guardians are to notify the school two weeks prior if there will be a pre-arranged absence from school. The absence may be classified as unexcused if the student is under an Attendance Agreement, BECCA order, or has an adverse effect on the student’s education or student has already reached 10 absences for the school year or 10% of the current year. The Pre-Arranged Absence Form is available at each school office.
- Court, judicial proceedings court-ordered activity or absences related to homeless or foster care status.
- Suspensions from school
Definition of “Unexcused Absences”
Unexcused absences are defined as “failure on the part of the parent/guardian to notify the school in a timely manner.”
Reporting Absence Procedures
When your child will be absent from school, you can notify the school in two ways:
- Send an email to: and provide reason
- Call attendance line at: 360.458.7718 and provide reason
If your student has not arrived at school or the school hasn’t been notified of the absence by 10:30 a.m., an automated phone call, email, and/or text will be sent to the parent/guardian.
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absenteeism incorporates all absences: excused, unexcused and suspensions. The focus is on the academic consequences due to the loss of instructional time and preventing absences before students fall behind. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10% of the school year.
Process for Truancy
The following truancy procedures will be followed prior to filing a full petition.
Tier 1
- 1-2 Unexcused Absences: Parent/Guardian will be contacted via School Messenger, E-mail, letter or phone call
- 3 Unexcused Absences: Schedule a meeting with school personnel to find solution
- IEP/504 Accruing Students: Case manager will convene an IEP meeting to develop a plan
Tier 2
- 4 Unexcused Absences/Excessive Excused Absences or 10% of the school year
- Students will be placed on attendance contract
Tier 3
- 5 Unexcused Absences/Excessive Excused Absences or 10% of the school year: The school will file a stay petition with Thurston county Juvenile court and schedule a Community Truancy Board Meeting.
- Students not attending school as court ordered results in school filing a contempt and progress report Thurston County Juvenile court.
- Monitor and review expiration date.
Attendance – Policy 3122
The rules contained herein are meant to regulate student conduct at school, at all school-sponsored activities, and off-campus that adversely affects the school-learning climate. Depending on the circumstance of the student’s violation, school authorities may, in compliance with state law and the rules of the State Board of Education, Chapter 180-40 WAC, impose discipline. District Policies are available in the Student Rights & Responsibility Handbook.
Discipline procedures will follow district policies.
Student Conduct – Policy 3240
Classroom Management, Discipline & Corrective Action – Policy 3241
Exceptional Misconduct – Policy 3241
Student Sexual Harassment – Policy 3205
Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products & Delivery Devices – Policy 4215
District Policies are available in the on the website.
Student Rights
- To have the opportunity to attend school in a safe setting.
- To be informed of teachers’ classroom procedures, policies, and expectations.
- To be informed of individual progress in class.
- To be informed of district, school, and individual teacher behavior expectations.
- To be treated firmly and fairly in the event that behavior requires intervention and be afforded due process.
- To not be discriminated against in any way due to race, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
- To be allowed to express thoughts and feelings as long as others’ rights are not violated in the process and that it is done without disruption to school activities, the educational process or the routine operation of the school.
Student Responsibilities
- Attend school daily, be on time, and come prepared with all the materials needed to be successful.
- Demonstrate full effort and complete all assignments honestly.
- Respect the rights of others to study and learn.
- Respect public and private property and return materials and equipment in good condition.
- Follow all behavior expectations of the classroom, school, and district.
- Keep YMS safe by informing administrators of any potentially dangerous situations.
- Treat everyone respectfully.
- Help keep our building and grounds clean.
- Help ensure that all school communication gets home to parents.
- CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Dress Code
- Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
- Public Display Of Affection (PDA)
- Student Conduct Summary
CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Calling 800-222-TIPS(8477)
- Submitting Online at
- Download the P3 App to your mobile device
As always, tipsters remain 100% anonymous and could possibly be rewarded up to $1,000. Remember to save your “tip number” in order to follow up and receive a reward. Anyone having knowledge about dangerous situations or crimes (past, present or future) can report a tip.
Dress Code
In order to facilitate learning for all students, YCS requires that student dress and appearance follow health and safety standards and not cause disruption to the learning environment. Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to change their clothing, cover up, and/or contact home if necessary.
Heads: K-5 students must remove all headwear while in the building. Headwear includes hats, hoods, headbands with animal ears, bandanas and head wraps. (Exceptions will be made for medical, religious and other approved reasons.)
Torso: Clothing must cover stomachs, backs, shoulders, chests and undergarments.
Legs: Shorts, skirts and dresses must be longer than mid-thigh. Undergarments must be covered.
Feet: Footwear must be worn at all times appropriate to the activity. Strapless shoes and high heels are discouraged for safety.
- Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, is sexually suggestive, or displays inappropriate pictures or writing is prohibited.
- Any clothing worn in a manner identified as gang related is prohibited.
- Jewelry that can pose safety hazards is prohibited.
- Exceptions to dress code standards may be made for PE or school activities.
What students wear does affect the way they think about, and behave toward, their tasks at school, their peers, and adults. Please consider this as you help your child make appropriate choices for school clothes.
Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities.
View the full definition of HIB, Sexual Harassment, Civil Rights and Gender Inclusive procedures.
Public Display Of Affection (PDA)
Student Conduct Summary
Parent Involvement
Family Access
Family Access is a web-based tool designed to give parents/guardians and students access to student information to support achievement. Students and parent/guardians each have their own access.
Need help with your access or need to access tutorials?
- Attendance
- Grades/Academic Progress/Test Scores
- Class Schedules & Teacher Contacts
- Lunch Balances
- Conference Scheduling
- And much more!
Volunteers are a vital part of our students' education. To volunteer in a school during the school year, an application must be completed online. All volunteers must receive clearance through the Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) before volunteering. Clearance is granted for one school year only.
Volunteers can work directly with the office or a classroom teacher, with our Booster Club, or with our Counselor through our Watch D.O.G.S and M.O.M.S program.
School Procedures
- Associated Student Body (ASB)/Id Cards
- Assemblies
- Bicycles/Skates/Skateboards/Scooters
- Electronics
- Emergency Closure
- Emergency Procedures And Drills
- Field Trips
- Fines/Fees
- Fragrant Sprays
- Guest Teachers
- Hall Passes
- Homework Requests
- Library
- Lost & Found
- Student Valuables/Backpacks
- Vacations
- Visitors
Associated Student Body (ASB)/Id Cards
Cell phones are allowed in the commons and hallways but not during class time. Cell phones are not allowed to be used in classrooms. This includes listening to music, this also includes during homeroom. Cell phone should not be visible (must be in a pocket or in backpack) when in the classroom.
Electronic devices/nuisance items or any other items that are disruptive to the educational process will be confiscated. YMS will not be held liable for loss or theft.
- 1st Offense - Will be confiscated and can be picked up by student after school in the office.
- 2nd Offense - Will be confiscated, and can be picked up by student after school. Parents will be notified.
- 3rd Offense- Will be confiscated and the device must be picked up by parent/guardian.
- 4rd Offense - Will be confiscated, student will receive a referral and two lunch detentions and the device must be picked up by parent/gurdian.
- 4th Offense and beyond – Further discipline.
Use of CELL PHONES and CAMERAS are prohibited in the BATHROOMS/LOCKER ROOMS at all times.
VIDEO AND AUDIO RECORDING are prohibited at all times on campus. Rare exceptions may be made with staff supervision and with prior approval from administration. Violations of this policy will result in discipline beyond that for the prohibited use of electronics.
Emergency Closure
View Flash Alert for today's status OR to subscribe to receive text or email alerts
Sometimes during the school year, we face the possibility of inclement weather resulting in school closure or schedule changes. Typically, families will be notified of emergency schedule changes by an automated phone call, email and/or text. We will announce closures and delays as early as possible but not later than 5:30 a.m. Occasionally circumstances change quickly and late announcements are unavoidable. The following information is for reference in the event that the schools are closed or buses operate on an emergency schedule:
- School Closure: All schools will be closed all day and any activities planned for the day or evening will be announced by 12pm on the district website.
- Emergency Schedule: Indicates that schools will start on a delayed schedule. Parents are reminded that although the buses will start the runs later, if we are on an emergency schedule, the buses may be slightly later near the end of the run. We request that parents make allowances for this.
- Limited Transportation: Limited transportation will prevail if some roads become inaccessible or if the county announces road closures. If we alter a route, we will send an automated message. School will be in session unless otherwise announced by the Superintendent’s Office.
Stay informed about Emergency Closures & Delays by
- Signing up for FLASH ALERT to receive an email notification.
- Updating your Family Access email and home & cell numbers
- Opting In for Text Messaging (Text YES to 67587)
- Following Yelm Community Schools social media platforms
- Visiting the district website for detailed information and updates
- Tuning in to other media outlets
It is requested that parents/guardians do not call the media stations for closure information.
AM Stations | FM Stations | TV Stations |
KGTK 920
KOMO 1000
KGY 1240
KITZ 1400
KPLU 88.5
KMPS 94.1
KXXO 96.1
KGY 96.9
KIRO 97.3
KRWM 106.9
Emergency Procedures And Drills
Students will practice fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills throughout the school year. Emergency drills are to be taken seriously. Students are expected to maintain classroom conduct throughout the entire drill and to be informed of the exit route for each of their classrooms. Students are to report to their homeroom’s field-location when exiting the building.
In the event of an actual emergency, parents should understand that telephone calls only hinder emergency relief and that information concerning children and the amount of damage cannot be made immediately available. Parents will be notified by telephone of accidents or injuries as soon as possible. Students will be released only to people listed on the student’s emergency card. Please make sure the information is up to date.
Field Trips
ASB Card: $25.00
Replacement ASB Cards $5.00
Replacement With No ASB Sticker $3.00
PE Class: $ 8.00 for T-Shirt
Art Class: $ 5.00
Any student who has a fine is responsible to reimburse the school by the end of the semester. Students who have unpaid fines may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.
Fragrant Sprays
Guest Teachers
Hall Passes
Homework Requests
Students need to be absent at least three days before requesting homework from the office. Please allow 24 hours from the time of the request for staff to prepare the work. Teachers may be reached through their e-mail accounts or contacted by telephone. It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work upon returning to class.
Lost & Found
Student Valuables/Backpacks
To provide the safest atmosphere possible, students from other schools are NOT permitted to visit YMS classes. All visitors are required to report to the school office. If a parent wishes to visit his/her student's classes, the visit must be cleared through the building administration with at least 24 hours notice to staff. Visitors are asked to dress appropriately for a school environment. All visitors will be issued and must wear a visitor’s pass.
Student Learning
- Academics
- District Technology Access
- Individual Planning
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Plagiarism/Cheating
- School Counseling Program
- Small Group Support
- School Guidance Curriculum
Academic Concerns/Conference Requests: Parents and students are encouraged to contact their teacher(s) at the earliest sign of concern or question.
Team Meeting: A meeting with all teachers is available upon request by parent, student, or teacher throughout the school year. Please contact your student’s teacher or school counselor to schedule a meeting.
Student-Led Conference (SLC): The SLC time is hosted by each student’s homeroom teacher and is designated as a student led discussion of their academic, career, and personal growth and goals. The SLC conference is not a teacher conference for addressing concerns.
YMS participates in district-wide conferences generally for one conference in the fall and one in the spring. Notification of conferences will be sent home. Students at YMS present their accomplishments and goals twice a year through Student-Led Conferences. Students will be compiling a Personal Portfolio as part of the High School and Beyond Plan, a Washington State high school graduation requirement. The fall conference will focus on academic, attitude, activities, goals, assessments and course work. The spring conference will focus on attainment of goals, career interests and progress.
Schedule Changes: The school class schedule is created based on the student’s requests during pre-registration the previous year. Schedule changes will only be considered if there is an error in the student placement, not to change teachers, electives, or periods.
Grade Reporting: Report cards are issued four times per year, at the end of each term. Progress reports are sent home mid term. A 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and above determines honor roll at YMS.
Homework: Homework is an important part of classes at YMS. Students are expected to spend time outside of class to finish the day-to-day work they may not have finished in class or to complete longer research projects. The ability to use time wisely and complete required work when it is due is a life skill.
Textbooks: The policy of Yelm Community Schools is to make certain that each student has access to a textbook. It is strongly recommended that books that are checked out to students be covered to prevent damage. At the end of the year, fines are assessed for any damage to the textbooks and for lost books.
District Technology Access
The district is dedicated to promoting and instilling principles of digital citizenship and media literacy in students and encourages guardians to play an active role in the process of educating students. While the district takes great care to monitor and filter inappropriate websites, students are expected to be responsible users of their access and the educational technology tools made available. For a complete list of Student Responsible Use Guidelines, review the Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook and/or Policy and Procedure 2022/P on the district website,
Students will be given a unique user login and password to access educational technology tools. The login portal icon is available at the top of the school and district website for students to access at school or home. It is essential students keep this information private to ensure security of their school files and online accounts.
Individual Planning
Individual planning for academic, career, or personal/social needs is available all year to all students. Students may seek academic advising or support for personal/social concerns by completing a “School Counselor Request Form” or by teacher/parent referral. Students are informed at the beginning of the year and at the semester of the Request Form and the confidentiality statement (see below). Multiple referrals or unresolved issues may result in parent/guardian contact, consultation, and/or referral for additional services.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
The vision of Yelm Community Schools is to prepare ALL students for post-secondary pathways, careers, and civic engagement.
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a service delivery framework focused on prevention and problem solving for all students. An integrated MTSS connects all of the academic and non-academic interventions, supports, and services available in schools and communities to support instruction and eliminate barriers to learning and teaching. Within an MTSS framework, multiple levels of instruction, assessment, and intervention are designed to meet the academic and non-academic needs of ALL students.
Essential Components of an MTSS Framework
- Core Instruction and Tiered Continuum of Evidence-based Interventions and Supports (Tier I, II, III)
- Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring
- Data-based Decision Making
- Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
- Creating and maintaining the infrastructure to support an integrated MTSS Framework
Cheating: As defined by Webster’s Random House College Dictionary ©1998 “to take an examination in a dishonest way, as by having improper access to answers.” At YMS this will include assignments as well as examinations.
Examples of Cheating: Copying homework, looking at another’s test, quiz or class work, letting someone look at a test, quiz or class work, using other secretive methods of giving or receiving answers for tests, quizzes or assignments.
Consequences for Acts of Cheating/Plagiarism: Any acts of cheating or plagiarism will result in disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to: parent/guardian contact, loss of honor level points, detention, etc.
School Counseling Program
The YMS comprehensive school guidance and counseling program provides all students support for academic growth, career planning, and personal/social development. Families and students are encouraged throughout the year to contact school counselors to address any areas of concern. School counselors utilize multiple formats to provide support, outreach, prevention/intervention services and guidance curriculum to all students.
Confidentiality Statement
The student’s right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethic, and school rules. School counselors are obligated to break confidentiality when there is potential harm to the student or others, concern of neglect or abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records. School counselors often consult with other school professionals, but only share information necessary to achieving the goals of the consultation
Small Group Support
Small groups are need-based support opportunities with identified students experiencing similar concerns. Based on referrals or student survey data, groups are created to meet the needs of students at YMS. Small groups are voluntary and typically meet once weekly for six to eight weeks. Support groups traditionally offered include the following: grief and loss, deployment support, new student transition, conflict management, friendship, and motivation.
School Guidance Curriculum
Academic & Career Planning:
- Student Portfolios/College and Career Readiness- Monthly advisory lessons delivered through homeroom for academic monitoring, goal setting, reflection, etc. in preparation for Student Led Conferences in fall and spring.
- Career Cruising/Xello: Online information system used to continue postsecondary planning/career exploration.
- Classroom Guidance Lessons: are taught every quarter in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, addressing topics such as graduation requirements, harassment/bullying, respect and career education.
Student Life
ASB – Student Activities/Sports Activities
ASB Elections/Officers: ASB Elections and Officers are governed by the rules and regulations laid out in the Yelm Middle School Constitution.
Behavior Requirements: All school and district rules apply at any school related activity. Based on previous behavior, students may be excluded from activities.
Dances (ASB)/Teen Night: Scheduled throughout the year will be both ASB Dances and Parent Booster sponsored Teen Nights. Teen Nights are held after the regular school hours. Yelm Middle School ID Cards are required for admittance to both. All school policies, including the dress code, will apply. If a student leaves an activity early, he/she will need to be signed out by parent or guardian. Misbehavior at these activities will result in school discipline and loss of dance attendance privileges.
The interscholastic program exists to allow students to participate and represent their schools in educational, social and recreational activities to further improve their abilities and to learn to cooperate and compete with others. Because these activities are performed in public, each student is expected to conduct himself/herself, at all times, in a manner that will reflect the high standards of Yelm Middle School, the team and community. When representing their school, students are expected to dress according to school guidelines and demonstrate mature conduct. For the purpose of eligibility and discipline, the definition of a sport season will be from the first team meeting until the completion of the awards program.
Athletic/Academic Requirement Check: A grade check will occur every two weeks for students participating in interscholastic sports. If a student is receiving an “F” grade, they are not able to participate in a game until the student is no longer receiving an “F” grade. Should the student clear failing grades, he/she is eligible to participate in the next game. If a student continues to receive failing grades, they could be removed from the team.
ASB/ID Card: Students must purchase an ASB card before participating in athletics.
Athletic Code: Students must sign and adhere to the athletic code. Students who violate policies outlined in the athletic code may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension from the team. Students violating the drug, alcohol or tobacco policies while on a sports team at YMS will be dropped from the activity. Students attending functions where drugs and/or alcohol are present must leave immediately.
Athletics and Attendance: All athletes must be present and on time the majority of the day to be eligible to participate unless prior approval is obtained from the athletic director. This includes but is not limited to athletic contests, practices, dances, etc. In order to participate in a Saturday event, a student must be in attendance for the entire school day on Friday.
Athletic Behavior Requirements: All athletes are required to adhere to the athletics/activities code provided in the beginning of the season packet. Violation of this code will result in disciplinary action. Excessive discipline could result in removal from the team.
Athletic Events: Attendance at athletic events as a spectator is a privilege. Any misbehavior at these events, as defined by the event supervisor, will result in a loss of this privilege.
Fees/Forms: Students must obtain and complete an eligibility packet from the office prior to the start of a sports season. Included in the packet is a physical examination form, an insurance form and a travel card. Physicals are good for one year only. A $30 non-refundable fee is required for each sport. All students need health insurance to participate in after school athletics. Insurance forms are available in the office for those students who do not presently have coverage. All fees and forms must be completed and returned to the office before a student begins participating. If there is a financial hardship please contact the Athletic Director. It is not our intent to deny ANY student the opportunity to participate or try out.
Schedule of Sports Seasons:
- Fall-Football, Girls’ Fastpitch, Boys' Soccer, Cross Country
- Winter I-Girls' Basketball, Wrestling
- Winter II-Boys' Basketball, Girls' Soccer
- Spring-Track, Volleyball
Sportsmanship : Inappropriate yelling and profanity will not be tolerated. It is appropriate to cheer FOR your team NOT against the other team. Inappropriate behavior by athletes or spectators will result in removal from the event and disciplinary action. Enjoy the game!
Transportation-Check: Students must get to the event and back to school in school-approved transportation. If parents want to provide transportation for their student after the event, they must submit the request in writing. Check with the coach/advisor for more information.
Student Support & Services
Food Service & Meals
The breakfast and lunch program is provided by our district’s Food Service department. Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:20 a.m. Lunch is served from 10:35-12:00 p.m. Please check our website for an updated fee schedule.
Meal Payment Options
You may send money with your child to school to be given to the office. Money may also be deposited online with a credit/debit card. Visit our website at and click on the icon “Online Payments” at the top of the page. You can check your child’s balance at any time using Family Access and sign up for notifications on low balances.
Free and Reduced Meals
Meal benefits are available to families that meet income guidelines. Free and Reduced applications are available online through Skyward Family Access. Paper applications are available at school upon request or on our Food Service website.
If you have questions regarding your child’s meal account, please contact your school. For assistance with Free and Reduced application, please contact the district Food Service Department at 360.400.1151.
Online Payments
As a convenience to families, Yelm Community Schools provides an easy way to make online payments from home or work, 24/7. With just one login, you can make payments for any child in your household using Discover, VISA, or MasterCard credit or debit cards.
Online payments can be used to replenish a student’s food service account or pay for any existing fines or fees, such as class fees, athletic fees, or ASB activities.
Yelm Community Schools is fully compliant with all data protection laws, including PCI Data Security Standards. Yelm School District does not store your billing or payment information at any time. Any personal information you enter related to your credit card through this website is purged immediately. Any contact information you enter is stored for your convenience when using our website. Information you provide to us will only be used by Yelm Community Schools. We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties.
Health Information
Common Health Care Procedures
Accident or Head Trauma: Parents will be notified regarding any incident that necessitates an accident report. In addition, any student who suffers trauma to the head at school will be assessed in the health room and parents will be notified.
Allergy Accommodations: Latex Allergy - Yelm Community Schools prohibits the use of all latex products, including latex balloons, due to severe allergies. Peanut Allergy - Please refrain from sending any peanut products due to severe allergies.
Diarrhea: Any student who has been having diarrhea will be sent home and may return to school when they have been free of diarrhea for 24 hours.
Fever: Any student with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home and may return to school once the child has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Injury: If any child has an injury that prohibits them from participating in PE or other school activities, a note from the physician is needed to excuse participation. Please be sure the doctor includes when student can return to normal activity or provide a separate note.
Lice: The Infectious Disease Control Guide no longer recommends long-term exclusion for pediculosis/head lice. Head lice is a nuisance condition and is not known to transmit infection from person to person. Any student who presents with live lice will be sent home for treatment. Students may return to school when no live lice are present.
Rash: Any student with an undiagnosed rash will be sent home from school in order to be evaluated by a healthcare provider. The parent/guardian will be asked to provide a note from a healthcare provider upon return to school.
Vomiting: Any student who has been vomiting will be sent home and may return to school when they have not vomited in 24 hours.
Life Threatening Illness
If your child has an illness, which has the potential to cause death during the school day YCS must be made aware prior to the student’s first day of school. Examples of these conditions would be seizures, diabetes, allergies requiring an Epi Pen, severe asthma and/or any other condition that is considered to be life threatening. Parents/guardians are responsible to report this information to the Registered Nurse assigned to that school. Parents/guardians must provide the medication in its original container along with the medication authorization form prior to the first day of school. Students will be excluded from school until these requirements are met. (RCW 28A.210.320, District Policy 3413)
In order to protect children against a number of childhood diseases, Washington State Law requires that all children enrolled to YCS be immunized against varicella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps and hepatitis b as appropriate. Parents may submit the Exemption from Immunization form. However, students will be excluded from school if they do not meet the requirements of the law. (RCW 28A.210.060, District Policy 3413)
Infectious Disease
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases YCS will comply with the State Board of Health rules and regulations within the most current Infectious Disease Control Guide, provided by the State Department of Health and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (District Policy 3414.
YCS requires signed authorization forms for the dispensing of any prescription or non-prescription medicines to students. Forms must be signed by the physician as well as the parent/guardian and are available from the office. Physicians may fax this information to our school at 360.458.6315. All medications must be delivered to and picked up from the school by the parent/guardian in the original container. Most medications can be dispensed by the parent/guardian before or after school. Please ask your healthcare provider for guidance on medication delivery times. (RCW 28A.210.260 & 270, District Policy 3416)